Interactive Demo

Width 200
Height 200
BG Color lime
Clip Path
Blur 0
Pixelate 0
Demo Image - ixmage
Product Image - Clipping Path | 133KB | 400x400

What it is

Entry point to access your online images and get them optimized.

What it does

Grabs your image and applies transformations requested thru the url.

What it brings

Speed, Efficiency, Flexibility

Read more

ixmage will add a flexibility layer to your image assets. Giving your images the power of ixmage will let you request your images in different sizes to tailor them to different media consumption. CDN (Content Delivery Network) is also thrown into the mix so that your images and their variants are served at enterprise-level speeds and your true source of media is spared the heavy-lifting and stress.

Improve your SEO ranking by reducing your image sizes, making your website faster.
